Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure
Posted in: News

Millions of bottles and jars and discarded incorrectly each day, and many of those end up in the ocean and landing on far away beaches. out of sight, out of mind. Broken glass hidden under soft sand where children play. And, as with most rubbish, it ends up in areas that cannot afford to pay for its collection and it just sits there waiting for barefeet to step on it.

We are helping clean a few of those beaches in the Philippines by creating treasure from the trash. By designing and buying these unique items we have created the opportunity to clean the beaches, create employment, and provide a cleaner environment as well financial benefit. Your purchase can help fund what their government cannot. To clean up our mess.

Similarly, each day huge mounds of discarded coco twigs and branches are burnt, creating huge plumes of smoke that add to the pollution of already heavily polluted skies. By turning a portion of that rubbish into useful and decorative items, we are diverting a small fraction from pollution to decor, and creating jobs at the same time. No plastics or oils or petroleum used, we are using natural materials, or discarded ones, and upscaling them, reducing waste and doing good all along the supply chain.

Trash to treasure, and you are part of that.

26 October 2021
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